infectious disease trends

Dr. Nipunie Rajapakse discusses trends of influenza and viral infections

Climate change & infectious diseases: evidence and research trends

Using Wastewater Surveillance to Understand Infectious Disease Trends

Frontiers in One Health - Biodiversity Loss and the Rise of Emerging Infectious Diseases

KSAT Q&A: Local infectious disease epidemiologist discusses COVID-19 omicron variant trends

General Principles of Infectious Diseases in the Community

The basics of controlling infectious diseases

Infectious Disease Puscast #31

Revolutionize Your Health: Join Dr. Duncan McCollum's 30-Day Challenge

Trends & Directions: Infectious Diseases, Emergency Preparedness and Health System Resilience

Infectious Disease Trends: Nursing Role in Epidemiology - Essay Example

Dr. Ira Shah | History of Management of Infectious diseases

Infectious Diseases Grand Rounds: Communicating HAI data: What is your hospital’s story

COVID-19: Important trends in the infection spread with Dr. Auwaerter of Johns Hopkins Medicine


Science Café | Predicting the Future: The Science Behind Infectious Disease Modeling and Forecasting

How can big data help manage infectious diseases?

Infectious Disease Puscast #11

Panel Discussion—Session 1 Environmental Exposure and Infectious Disease: Emerging Trends

Infectious Diseases: Understanding the Threats to Our Health (4 Minutes)

Health Statistics NSW - Scenario 4 - Infectious Disease Notification

Principles of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology

Beyond the Data - Changes in Clinical Diagnostics and Tracking Infectious Diseases

Current priorities and emerging trends in OH&S – Preventing and managing infectious diseases at work